Corporate Sponsorship — AYWS

Corporate Sponsorship

The Atlanta Youth Wind Symphony (AYWS) seeks corporate partnerships and sponsorship for general operating, and tour-specific support. The following attribution can be assigned to sponsors at various levels of contribution:

  •  Inclusion in Season Sponsors of all concert programs

  •  Inclusion in Season Sponsors, tickets, and concert publicity (posters, e-vites, and signage)

  • Exclusive concert sponsor, including front-page program attribution, concert signage, and verbal recognition

  • Exclusive tour sponsor, including front-page program and all tour publicity attribution, concert signage, verbal concert recognition, PSA radio recognition, finale concert sponsor recognition and presentation

Other attribution is negotiable with the AYWS Foundation. Please fill out the below form, and a member of the foundation board will contact you for a full discussion. Thanks for your interest in partnering with AYWS!